Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get Creative

Every week there is more and more talk about the economy turning south and increased publicity about how hard it is to make a profit. Clients are constantly telling me that they are struggling to sell their business, products or themselves.

I was on the bus coming out of the city last night, after attending an event and was amazed to see that EVERY single pub on George St was packed. It was 8pm on a Monday night, I couldn't believe it! It got me thinking, people do have money to spend and still want to enjoy themselves and maintain the lifestyle they are accustomed to (I mean why wouldn't you?). The main difference now is, people are a little more selective as to where they spend their money.

Now is the time when you need to get creative to sell your products (and that includes yourself at interview). I've used this quote time and time again...Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Get creative, if you always sold your product over the phone, maybe now you need to arrange face to face meetings to increase rapport and the likelihood of a sell. If you have always relied on referral, maybe you need to get creative with a referral bonus. Whatever it is, get creative, allow your mind to run wild. What you get you to buy your product if you had 3 other things you could spend that money on?

I would love to hear how this works for you, or if you have any comments.

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