Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are you courageous or merely conforming?

Have you ever wondered what drives successful people? It's the courage to take calculated risks and learn from ALL their experiences.

“The opposite of courage in these days is not cowardice, it is conformity”
Anthony Robbins (May 2009)

How courageous are you? What can you do to increase your success in the current economic climate?

Find out here:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Masterful Communication

Do you communicate what you actually want to? Do you get the responses that you desire when communicating with others?

Have you ever been in a situation where you've been so worried about getting the content of your communication just right, that you forget to look at the person that you are speaking to, wait for responses or even listen to what they are saying?

Quite often we get so caught up in what we are going to say to our boss, colleague or friend, that we put more focus on that than how we say it.

Scarily only 7% of our communication comes from the actual words we use....learn how to make the most of the other 93% and become a master communicator.

Read more......

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Define your Direction

I can't emphasize enough the importance of goal setting. Do you know where you are headed?

It has been found that 90% of those people who have achieved great success had a vision or a goal. What is yours?

To maximise the effectiveness of your goal, ensure that is is concise and that you clearly know what the outcome will look like, sound like and how it will make you feel.

Write your goal in positive tense, so that it is as if it has already happened, and put a date on it so that you know when you will achieve it. If you always write "next month I will make enough for an overseas holiday," then guess what? It will always happen next month!

Invest time in creating compelling goals and go about making them happen. Enjoy the process.