Friday, March 27, 2009

Articulate your message

What is the difference between a computer technician who does a re-install on your system and charges $50/hr and one who does exactly the same work and charges $200/hr?

You may think experience is the key, or how quickly they can do the job. Really it is the technicians ability to articulate their value and worth to you. If you perceive that you are getting good value for money then you will be more likely to pay the $200. However if you perceive the service to be expensive (even if it is the cheaper quote) then you will not pay.

We are all in some form of sales. Whether it is selling yourself at an interview, selling an idea for a night out to friends or selling that it is time to go to bed to your children. We are salesmen/women all day without even realising it!

Learn how to articulate your message well to start getting what you really want!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Is your glass overflowing or in need of a top up?

Life is busy, we run around trying to manage career, our family, seeing friends, keeping fit, the list goes on. Sometimes we run around so much that we forget to stop and think about ourselves, where am I going? How do I feel? What do I want?

Think of your life as a glass and your energy levels as the water (or wine, whichever you prefer). If you are continuously giving all your energy to others and forgetting to top it up, it will eventually run out. This is typically when you burn out, or just have that burning desire to hibernate and not see anyone or do anything for a few hours or days, so that you can recharge.

If you are constantly filling your glass up, so that it is always overflowing you will never run out, and you will always have some to share with others. If you want to give to others and be the best friend, parent or family member you can be, you need to invest in yourself first.

Set aside time for you! It may be doing some exercise taking a bath or even reading a book. Whatever it is that makes you feel revived and energised again.

How will you fill you glass up?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Conversations are under-rated

The electronic era has taken us by storm. There is email, Internet as well as land line phones, mobiles, answer machines (for each one), blackberries, i-phones, i-pods and electronic every things all designed to make our life easier and faster.

Do they? Do they save us time? With the emergence of all these tools, not to mention all the social networking (twitter, blogs, Facebook etc) its easy to find yourself constantly checking all these different modes of communication and not actually get any work done. This is where those who don't procrastinate differ to procrastinators and time wasters. They set aside a certain amount of time to spend on all their favourite electronic gadgets and GET THINGS DONE the rest of the time. Set time aside to complete tasks and see how you'll fly through your to do list.

There is however a far more sinister side to all this electronic-gadgetry. They stop us from doing the one thing that most people want...TALK. We send emails and notes too confirm things and organise events/meetings that we could have done by picking up the phone or walking around to the other person's office. People like to talk. Especially about themselves. So if you are in business and want to build relationships and grow business in this slightly tougher period.....TALK to your clients. You'll be amazed.