Thursday, September 24, 2009

Maximise your success with effective goal setting

Are you bored with your current life and feel like you are just accepting the mediocrity of life? Do you know that you can achieve more but just don't know where to start?

Goal setting is key. It comes to this time of year and people start thinking that they will wait until the new year before they start to make any changes in life. In truth, by the time we have all recovered from Christmas and New Year, the reality is that we don't start making any changes until February, by which time you may feel like you have "failed" in some way and don't bother! Not too mention you have missed out on a QUARTER of a year to potentially make steps to achieve your goals NOW!!!

So my challenge for you, is get in early. Evaluate what you have achieved so far this year and what you want to achieve over the next 12 months. Read our newest article on effective goal setting and put it into action. You'll be amazed at how much you achieve in the next 3 months, leaving you SUPER motivated heading into 2010.

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